Today has been pretty nice. I spent the night at my aunt’s last night so I could ride with her up to my grandmother’s house this morning. We were the first ones there. I didn’t help cook. I sat in the living room with my grandfather and aunt and watched Rudy.
Everybody else eventually got there and we ate. It was good. I had no turkey. I ate some ham, cranberry sauce, mac and cheese and broccoli casserole. that’s it!
So then everybody hung around and talked and that kind of stuff. We left around 3:30 and came home. I’ve been playing ROTK since I got home – I finished getting all of Aragorn and Gandalf’s stuff, worked on Legolas a while and now I’m playing with Pippin for the first time.
Speaking of ROTK, I’ve worn the one ring all day today for some reason.
My feet are cold, I’m going away to warm them now.